50% RevShare at 4 Projects

Dear Partners!

WelcomePartners Team offers you to participate in a new campaign. We increase RevShares to 50% at the following projects: VulkanClub, EldoradoClub, AnonymousCasino and GreenCasino 

The campaign is held from 3th of November till 2nd of December, 2014. 

To take part:
1. Create the following refcode: 50vegaxxx.  Xxx can be any number you like, but for each project separately.
2. Write to a Support Team of the project you choose to increase a RevShare.

Moreover, the best webmasters will receive the extra points at the WelcomeShop.

During the campaign, the income at each project is
 - from $4000 to $6000 - 4 000 points;
 - from $6000 to $8000 - 6 000 points;
 - from $8000 to $10000 - 8 000 points;
 - from $10000 - 10 000 points.

Only the income received with the new refcodes is to be calculated.

Be the first to get the best!

WelcomePartners Team