Honesty is above all

Dear Partners!

One of the major affiliate programs has made changes in working conditions that caused a strong reaction on the forums here and here.

Well, let’s highlight the pros and cons of the affiliate work system:

1. If you don’t attract new traffic, you lose earnings from old players. And it makes no difference whether you’re banned by The Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (aka Roskomnadzor), by search engine, or you’ve found better conditions for you.

2. If the involvement of the first deposits for two weeks is less than 5, you will not earn at all. In this case you're just not active partner, and six months later the casino gets your players with a 100% profit.

3. Imaginary earnings on the new players. It’s seldom when player makes good deposits in the first 7 days, so increasing payments for this option disappears by themselves.

4. There is no choice, you accept on default that according to the new working conditions now and for ever you will not get paid for the old players if you cannot meet all the requirements. 

If these changes touch you in any way, just contact us in PM, Skype or ICQ and we will offer you great conditions for your traffic, unchanged within lifetime.

WelcomePartners Team