New stats and banners

Dear affiliates!

We are glad to inform you about the updates released in our system during the last week:

New statistics: Statistics page has been substantially revised and expanded for more convenient management. Statistics displays on rotators and promotional materials have been added.

New promos: promotional banners to the lottery "Day of Knowledge" in


Our casinos have prepared new offers we recommend to inform Your players about.  To the beginning of new season - autumn  - 6 lotteries from our casinos  are going to start at once.

Lottery «The Golden Season»

Date: 1/09/2014-07/09/2014

Lottery rules and prize fund:

1 ticket for 1000 RUB deposit

Prize fund: 1 000 000 RUB

250 000 RUB - 1 ticket

150 000 RUB - 3 tickets

50 000 RUB - 5 tickets

2 000 RUB - 25 tickets

Lottery "Autumn Marathon"

Date: 1/09/2014-07/09/2014

Lottery rules and prize fund:

1 ticket for 1000 RUB deposit

Prize fund: 1 000 000 RUB

1 ticket - 250 000 RUB

3 tickets - 150 000 RUB

5 tickets - 50 000 RUB

25 tickets - 2000 RUB

Lottery "The Golden Season"

Date: 01/09/2014-07/09/2014

Lottery rules and prize fund:

1 ticket for 2000 RUB deposit

Призовой фонд: 500 000 RUB

150 000 RUB - 1 ticket

100 000 RUB - 2 ticket

50 000 RUB - 2 ticket

5 000 RUB - 10 ticket

Lottery "Golden Autumn"

Date: 01/09/2014-07/09/2014

Lottery rules and prize fund:

1 ticket for 1000 RUB deposit

Призовой фонд: 500 000 RUB

150 000 RUB - 1 ticket

100 000 RUB - 2 tickets

50 000 RUB - 2 tickets

2 500 RUB - 20 tickets

Lottery "Golden season"

Date: 01/09/2014-07/09/2014

Lottery rules and prize fund:

1 ticket for 1000 RUB deposit (30 USD)

Prize fund: 10 000 usd

3 000 usd - 1 ticket

1 500 usd - 2 tickets

500 usd - 4 tickets

100 usd - 20 tickets

Lottery «Day of Knowledge"

Date: /09/01/2014-/09/2014

Lottery rules and prize fund:

1 ticket per each 500 RUB of deposit to the RUB-balance

1 ticket per each 500 RUB of deposit to the FUN-balance

Prize fund: 50 000 points

25 000 points - 1st place

15 000  points - 2nd place

10 000 points - 3rd place

1 000 points - 9 tickets


Wishing you only high conversion!

Sincerely yours,

WelcomePartners team